Road to Building a Home ::: The Lot

Acquiring land is going to be your first step in building a home. There are many things which need to be inspected and researched before making an offer on a land, that’s why it is especially important to work with an experienced realtor if it’s your first time buying land. If you're going to be applying for a construction loan later to build on the home, you want to be sure that the land does not exceed 20 acres, and that the parcel does not have an existing home on the lot. If the lot you want does happen to have something like a mobile home on it, you have two options. The first is to remove the home before building. Your second option would be to short-plat the property, leaving the new building site on its own parcel. Give me a call if you have questions about a specific lot. The following information is about lot financing. Depending on when you plan to build will determine if you want to use a land loan or not. If you plan to build immediately after you ...